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Complaints Procedure

New Complaints

If you have a complaint, please contact us so we can put it right.

You will need to provide your full details.

Please note, complaints by email should only be directed to the below e-mail address, to ensure they are dealt with as quickly as possible. Any complaints directed to any individual’s email address, may not be handled as promptly.

Who do I contact?

Please get in touch with our Customer Care Team and include full details of your complaint, as well as your full name, email address and or address.

You can either give us a call on 0131 333 2222 or email , or write to us at;

Streamline Corporate Ltd
7 Queen Anne Drive
EH28 8LH

How long will it take to resolve my complaint?

We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible.

Complaints handled by our Customer Care Team are usually resolved within 3 business days from receipt.

If our Customer Care Team are unable to resolve your complaint, it will be passed to our Customer Resolution Management Team, who will acknowledge it within 5 business days.

We’ll keep you informed at each stage of your complaint. In most cases you’ll receive our final response within 8 weeks from receipt. The actual time it takes to resolve things fully will depend on the complexity of the issue.

If we’re unable to resolve your complaint within 8 weeks, we’ll explain the reason why and tell you when we expect to be able to resolve it.

What if I remain dissatisfied?

If we’ve provided our response to your complaint or we’ve been unable to resolve it and you remain unhappy, as you don’t feel the matter has been resolved to your satisfaction, you may escalate your complaint to a member of our Senior Management Team.

You can either call on 0131 333 2222 or write to Senior Management Team at the address above.

Existing Complaints

If you’ve already spoken to someone about your complaint and they haven’t been able to resolve it, our Complaints Resolutions team can step in. To speed things up, please kindly provide:

  • Your name, address and phone number.
  • The details about your complaint

You can either email, or write to our Customer Resolution Manager at the address above.

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